Rob accepts briefs to appear in courts in all Australian States and Territories. He accepts briefs in both paper and electronic format.
Electronic briefs may be delivered either by email or on USB or other media via his PO Box. Searchable PDF format is preferred. Paper briefs are to be addressed to his Post Office box.
Please allow appropriate time for delivery of all hard-copy mail communications.
Rob will confer with clients in the offices of their solicitor and, when he works interstate, does so on a fly-in-fly-out basis.
Rob only accepts briefs for clients via their solicitor. He does not accept briefs direct from the public.
This is because pre-trial litigation work is complex and often quite labour intensive.
It is usually more cost effective if parts of the pre-trial litigation work is performed by an experienced solicitor - with input from the barrister if necessary.
No work will be commenced by Rob (unless urgent) until appropriate agreement is reached about the terms of his retainer.
Cost estimates are available upon request. In appropriate cases Rob is willing work on a deferred or conditional basis. It is often necessary to review the brief before any cost estimate can be made.
In large, complex or urgent matters he may require some payment for perusal of the brief before considering alternate cost arrangements.
Before sending a brief you should phone Rob to discuss the matter and confirm his availability.
Rob's costs vary depending on the the amount of work required. Cost estimates can be supplied once a brief is received. In appropriate cases Robert is willing to work on a deferred payment or conditional basis. Further details are available upon request.